Tired of Marketing Overload and Constantly Playing Catch-Up?

The Marketing Power Week

Recharge your entrepreneur battery, Realign your strategy with your values Reignite your magic 💎

Tackle your marketing challenges in just 7 days so you can free up time & energy and focus on why you became an entrepreneur...

Ughh.. Feeling like you’re stuck in a hamster wheel? 😅

Even though you worked so hard on:

Trying with different strategies and tactics

Building your online presence by being online all the time

Talking with people who seem interested...


You didn't see much return on investment yet

It's hard to get new clients and you're running out of time (cash??)....

The Marketing Power Week is focused YOU and empowering you with authentic marketing strategies that feel for best for you and your business...

How do you know the Marketing Power Week is right for you?

Does this resonate with you 🥹

There is just too much information everywhere...

There are always new strategies, platforms and things you can do but you just want something that works for you... So the more important question is – what do really you want to focus on and feels authentic and converts

You often feel lonely and no clue who to ask your burning questions...

There are always so many decisions to make and wouldn't it more fun and productive to have a start and end date and work on your projects in an uplifting environment with peer-to-peer support?

You're wearing 13+ hats A DAY and it's exhausting...

Wouldn't it be amazing if you can stop focusing on stuff that doesn’t work and instead concentrate on where you want to put your magic and eliminate the things that shouldn’t be there?

NO MORE FLUFF Marketing strategies. Use a strategy that's in full alignment with your values and lifestyle goals.

🤗 A sneak peek inside! 🤗

5 LIVE 1:1 Marketing Strategy Workshops

Get exclusive access to me and the marketing roadmap strategies we use while working with our premium clients. During the sessions, you will work on your own business and goals, enabling you to implement them right away.

Actionable & Bite-sized Exercises

Use our simplified marketing exercises inside the roadmap to create your marketing strategy and campaign much easier and faster and discuss your insights with Nienke Nina who has 10+ years experience

Customizable Workbooks & Templates

So you can fill up your social media calendar, write compelling emails and create your landing page much easier with better results

Virtual Power Hour Sessions

Together, we get stuff done in our virtual power hub so you'll feel inspired and motivated again and get out of that frustrating hamster wheel

Live Marketing Q&A

Ask your burning marketing and sales questions directly to Nienke Nina and get answers, solutions and actionable next steps much quicker!

We want to give you the best experience and all the attention you deserve so this is a 1:1 experience

PLUS when you enrol, you get these extra bonuses too:

💎 One BONUS Private Strategy Session with Nienke Nina worth €499

💎 AI prompts to help you write content much faster

💎 Lifetime access to the recordings of each session so you can always revisit the program

Our Fav Reviews!

“I’ve seen a massive difference in what I feel capable of doing and the number of followers, I’ve got the number of people saying they love my new content or asking me what’s changed. The quality of the leads of the people I’m getting now are more in line with my target audience.”

Han, Podcaster

@The Remote Life

Although I work in marketing, it was incredibly helpful to my business to take a strategy call with Nienke Nina when I did. She's an amazing listener and full of wonderful energy and she identified exactly what I needed to hone in on in order to take my business to the next level. If you're currently feeling uncertain about your marketing or a certain aspect of your business right now, just like I was, I seriously recommend having a conversation with Nienke Nina because I left the call feeling so much more confident.

Michelle, Remote Job Coach @Remote Rebellion

Kasia, Mindfulness Spaceholder


The problem explained:

Most how-to marketing content out there lacks focus specifically on your business & lifestyle goals

So while you might be doing it right – it still won't work 😅

Annoying right?!

A quick reality check of passionate entrepreneurs, freelancers, self-starters, creators and online coaches

So the past months/weeks... You've

😫 Struggled to piece together the overload of marketing tactics available online

😫 You already created content 24/7/365 to grow your audience without results

😫 Difficulty balancing providing valuable content and sharing self-promotion

😫 Worked so hard to reach sustainable growth and potential for scalability but you’re missing a piece of the puzzle.

Alright, now you're sort of...

🥺 Unsure what to do next and figuring out which marketing tactics you should focus on

🥺 Feeling time-strapped with 100+ new tasks every week, it’s as though you’re always behind

🥺 Hesitant to put yourself out there, and self-sabotage kicks in too regularly

🥺 Fearing failure because whatever you're trying, nothing seems to work, and your business is getting more exhausting day by day

Look, all online entrepreneurs go through these moments...

But if you're ready to changed this,

then, click below 😘

Explore the Marketing Power Week Program

DAY 1: Slow down

Morning Growth Hour:

❖ Reflecting exercise

❖ Realigning your values & WHY

❖ Embracing your gifts

Afternoon Power Hour

Virtual co-working session

DAY 2: Connecting

Morning Growth Hour:

❖ Unique selling point
❖ Ideal audiences

❖ Origin story

Afternoon Power Hour

Virtual co-working session

DAY 3: Realigning

10 - 11 am Growth Hour:

❖ Irresistible offer
❖ Perceived value

❖ Selling authentically

Afternoon Power Hour

Virtual co-working session

DAY 4: Recreating

Morning Growth Hour:

❖ Funnel building mindset
❖ Brand journey mapping
❖ Online presence strategy

Afternoon Power Hour

Virtual co-working session

DAY 5: Building

Morning Growth Hour:

❖ Campaign Asset Checklist
❖ Content Mapping

Afternoon Power Hour

Virtual co-working session

DAY 6: Implementing

Morning Growth Hour:

❖ Virtual co-working

❖ Virtual Q&A via chat with Nienke Nina

Afternoon Power Hour

Virtual co-working session

DAY 7: Celebrating

The Final Power Hour
❖ Final Q&A with Nienke Nina and cheering, embracing and celebrating YOU 🎉

It's not your fault that Marketing is a pain in the 🍑

You’re basically missing THE key pieces of the puzzle without even noticing it...

❌ Your solution is NOT to do more ❌

But to align your long-term strategy with a system & expert guidance instead 😊

3 things that you need to bring back momentum


01. Strategic Re-alignment

You don't have to follow what your marketing heroes are doing to get results. Create a strategy that fits your goals and comes to you so you enjoy the fun things in your freedom business...


02. Simplified Systems

Learn how to create a system to show up online with confidence and easy so you free-up time and energy for more fun stuff...


03. Marketing Expertise

Unlock low-hanging fruits and discover simple ways to create authentic marketing strategies that align with your business goals without having to search for hours online how to do it...

Are you ready to bring back your passion and turn on YOUR Marketing Magic?

Bigger aligned Audiences 👯‍♀️

You’re creating a brand around the amazing content you’re putting out into the world

More & better clients 🥰

You’re a service provider ready to take on more clients, instead of wondering where your next client is coming from

Selling more passive digital product

You’re passionate about supporting others with a suite of digital or physical products ready to sell

One question I aways ask is: ''Is your business a one-size-fits-all?''

I don’t think so... 🥺

So your marketing strategy shouldn’t be either 😘

Meet your Nomadic Marketing Strategist:

Hi, I'm Nienke Nina!A nomadic entrepreneur and energy behind Marketing Agency StartDigital.io. I've transformed over 10 years of experience in content marketing and digital storytelling into strategies and systems accessible to others, making running your own marketing much easier.

By Human Design, I'm a projector which lets me see opportunites others ususally don't see. With this energy, I hosted many Marketing Power Hours, helping my clients build marketing campaigns always in alignment with their personality, values, and life & business goals.

My main goal is to unlock your dreams, goals and passions by making marketing easier. I love solving challenges and having worked with solopreneurs, online creators, nomadic brands and teams, I know that marketing can be a big pain in the 🍑 aka draining and overwhelming.

That’s why I got my team of content experts and markters together, and we’ve created The Marketing Power Week .

Alright, here's a secret – marketing gets messy all the time! 🤫

So step back, invest in yourself & get back your magic

Frequently asked questions

Why 7 days? Will that be enough?

Yes! This marketing roadmap was originally a 30-day, intense 1:1 program to develop a marketing launch strategy and build out. To power you up faster we’ve taken the key elements and turned them into a simplified 7-day program for you to create a laser-focused strategy.

How is this different from a business coach?

During this intense program, we solely focus on your marketing strategy and bring back your marketing magic. A business coach often focuses on other elements of a business which, of course, takes more time.

What if I need more help after?

We can always talk about this. We have built hundreds of funnels and campaigns for our clients so if you want to launch something real special with together with me and my team lets have a chat but no pressure!

Reconnect with your magic and why you became an entrepreneur...

7 Days Guided Marketing Magic Journey to develop your long-game strategy to win back time & energy

Step 1: Share your details

Enroll via the form and secure your spot right away. We only take max 3 Marketing Power Weeks a months so if this is for you don't hesitate.

Step 2: Secure your spot

We offer 2 payment options, select your preferred method in the enrollment form.

Step 3: Onboarding Session

Nienke Nina will get in touch with you for a 30-minute call to answer any questions you might have - and of course, to get to know you better!

Step 3: Choose your Power Week

Select the week you want to start and book in our sessions that works best for you.

I agree to terms & conditions by submitting my contact details and enrolling in The Marketing Power Week!